Lucy Wells

Healing for me is movement towards harmony, balance and inner freedom. Working with the power of nature via the plant spirits and other natural forces is, I feel, the medicine most needed at this time for healing of our human evolution.

I have a business with Pip Waller “TOUCHED BY NATURE” we have online course on nature connection for Personal Development and healing and teach introductions to Plant Spirit Medicine, and we run teacher healer training courses teaching people to be Plant Spirit Medicine Healers.

I am also a writer.

Pip Waller

As a healer I aim to encourage the natural healing force within which is always moving us towards balance. Plant Spirit Medicine cleans up a persons energy and nourishes and strengthens the constitution, creating balance and harmony in spirit, mind and body. I see healing as essential to help move human’s towards living in our nature and in good relationship with ourselves, each other and nature.

I have a business with Lucy Wells “TOUCHED BY NATURE” we have online course on nature connection for Personal Development and healing and teach introductions to Plant Spirit Medicine, and we run teacher healer training courses teaching people to be Plant Spirit Medicine Healers.

Joan Kendall

“Working with the principles and energy of metaphysics to bring us back into alignment with our Essential Limitless Nature and restore us to health in mind, body & spirit…” 

Fran Johnson

Experience deep relaxation to restore balance, bring inner peace, heal body mind spirit

Trisha Skye Mulholland

Trisha Mulholland has been in practice since 1986.
She is the founder of Dreamweavers Energy Work which promotes working in an authentic integrated way with ancient wisdom and bringing the teachings into everyday life.

In her private practice, she uses an integrative approach, which has developed from seeing thousands of clients over the years. She is trained in Therapeutic Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Kinesiology, Counselling and Flower Essences. She also apprenticed in Medicina Mexhika (Mexican Medicine- for 5 years) and in Shamanic Healing and Counselling. She has been teaching Energy Work, Healing and Shamanic Practice since 1991.

She has studied, trained and worked all over the world with many Medicine People and Spiritual Teachers – including Asia, South America and Africa. She continues to travel to teach and work.

Her latest project has been doing voluntary work in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

Therapies:  Jin Shin Jyutsu; Kinesiology: Shamanic Counselling