
Why join ATH

What differentiates ATH as an association for healers is that the majority of our healers also have other disciplines and related skills which they blend into their professional practice.  

We are a small, respected and progressive healing organisation who have contributed actively over the years to the professionalisation of healing within the UK .

Bridging a variety of approaches to the art of healing including dance, sound, writing, psychotherapy/counselling, meditation, biofeedback & now neuroscience.  These are all a fundamental part of our diversity as a healing organisation.

We are committed to encouraging and expecting self-development and self-awareness for our members.  We continue be more ‘professional’ in our expectations of ourselves and what the members public can expect from healers in ATH.

We strive to recognise the ‘wholeness ’within each of us, that there is no division. Wholeness as a reality of healing and how we individually react or respond to one another, how we take responsibility for and use our energy towards one another and towards  and how we live on this planet earth.  

ATH continues to be forward looking. We strive to be at the forefront of what is happening in the fields of energy and of complementary health.  Fundamental to working as a healer is a knowledge and experience of energy and how it works.

ATH requires of its members not only continuing professional development but also personal development: through what may be termed ‘holistic CPPD’, we are expected to keep ourselves fit to work with clients. By renewing our personal energy and keeping ourselves clear to channel energy though daily practice or attending workshops, we attempt to maintain our grounding and protection. Relaxation, meditation, movement work, receiving healing, massage or cranio-sacral work contribute to helping us to know ourselves better, so that we may be clearer about the personal issues we bring to our work and able to connect with our clients on deeper and more subtle levels.

ATH also encourages it’s members to participate in some form of Supervision. This is currently not a requirement.

What We Offer Members

"One of the joys for me of being in a small organisation is that my voice can be heard"

We are a small and expanding organisation and we welcome and encourage membership participation. Our smallness and the history of our evolution means that we continue to offer a level of care towards our members so you will have the support of ATH.  

You will be part of a network of Healers with diverse approaches.

ATH is also a member of the Confederation of Healing Organisations the leading charity for advancing healing in the UK.   

Members who run workshops or courses can have that information freely distributed to the ATH membership and also to CHO.

As part of and included in membership of ATH you are offered the ATH/Balens Block Insurance for Healing if required.

Contact between members is encouraged & promoted through our ‘Explore Healing’ sessions and there is an opportunity to explore and share your way of working through facilitating one of these sessions.  

We are currently have a regular Zoom meeting for practitioners.

Members can be listed on our ‘Contact a Therapist’ pages, which is a public register of healers providing email and telephone links to our members.

Full members have the option of applying to have their courses or workshops given CPD status.

As a Full member your profile will be included on the ATH Website.

There are also opportunities to promote, network and share information and ideas via our  Facebook and Twitter platforms and of course the website.

Within Facebook we have a private members only ATH Forum page allowing members possibility of dialogue, discussion, ask questions . Members can apply to Sue Thomas to join the group.

Contact Sue Thomas on Facebook or email if you have questions or wish your name to be added to the secret group.

How to Join

This section of the ATH Website contains all the information you should need to apply for membership.

The categories of membership are - 

A. Full member
B. Fast track/Returning member
C. Associate member
D. Student Practitioner
E. Friend

We suggest you read this information in the following order:-

Membership Criteria  allows you to find out which category of membership would be appropriate for you, depending on your qualifications, training and experience.

Applying for Membership sets out the process you will need to follow to make your membership application, together with procedures following the submission of your application. Whichever category of membership you decide to apply for, you will need to be familiar with and fully subscribe to.

Should you now wish to proceed with applying for membership, please complete either the

Friend of ATH Application Form  there is no criteria for this other than your wish to support the values of ATH.

Please send the completed relevant form, together with supporting documents and your cheque (made payable to The Association for Therapeutic Healers) to The Membership Administrator at the address shown on the application form.

Included in ATH membership, if requested, is the ATH/Balens Block Indemnity Insurance for Healing only.  This does not apply to Friend Membership.

Different Types of Membership

Annual Fees

Full Member£53.00Open to professional healers/therapists whose training and experience in healing and another therapy meet the requirements of ATH.
Fast Track Full membership (2 categories)£53.00a/For experienced Healers who have previously been members of ATH.  
b/ For experienced Healers who are wishing to return to working as healers and starting afresh.  
Associate Member£36.00 Open to students on healer training courses who are aiming for professional qualifications and people with an interest in healing who may practice healing though not necessarily on a professional basis.
Student Member£36.00
Friend of ATH£10.00 Open to anyone interested in the activities and philosophy of ATH.

Donations: If you wish to support the ATH we very much appreciate your contributions

The above are the Annual fees for retaining membership of ATH. When applying for membership there will be a one off initial additional fee of £30.00 to cover administrative costs. 

Should your application not be successful we will retain £15.00 to cover administration costs. So please carefully read criteria for membership and if you have any queries please contact us and we will do our best to help you.

How to Pay

Currently you can pay by cheque or by Bank transfer. We would prefer that you use the BACS bank transfer.

Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20-67-90

Account No: 83753050.

Please identify yourself with your payment and it is also helpful and will speed up your application if you would inform us that you have made the transfer.

If you wish to pay by cheque please address your cheque to The Association for Therapeutic Healers and send to ATH Admin, c/o 110a Alexander Road, London N19 4JN
