Rhythm of the Bones

01 February 2025

Dartmoor February 2025

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Winter brings an invitation to rest and to nourish ourselves.
So easy to resist this in the busyness of our lives!

This weekend is an opportunity to drop into the depths of ourselves. Just as the trees are pared back to their bare branches, we can meet this in the Rhythm of our Bones.
In Chinese Five Element understanding, the bones are one of the organs that relate to the winter and the Water Element.

Our bones support and nourish our body in many ways.
Aside from holding our body up in the obvious way,
they re-generate our blood and activate hormones to meet stress.
The winter is, therefore, an important time to nourish ourselves and build resources for the rest of the year.

We will spend time in a warm indoor space attuning to our body and its rhythms through movement, meditation and creativity.

From this inner alignment we listen with the land, the river, the weather and the plants. In this time of the cold and the dark we learn to flow with the
Wisdom of Winter.

We will gather around a Sacred Fire in a ceremony to support us to receive our heart’s inspiration.

£395.00 fully residential with mainly single ensuite bedrooms.
Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 6th December.
(some bursary assisted places available)
Friday 6 pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.
Max 10 participants. 18 hours CPD