Networking Meetings, members only

The member's only networking Zoom meetings are held bi-monthly Wed eves from 5.30-7pm. All ATH members welcome. Come and join us.

Contact: Linda Brazier for further info.

Dates & Topics for 2025

January 22nd   Healing - Separation into Wholeness

March 26th  Healing the Land

May 7th  What Topics and Types of CPPD are appropriate and good for you

July 2nd  What do we call ourselves as healing practitioners

September 3rd  TBA

November 5th  TBA

Topic: Gender, Sexuality and Energies, Shared Experiences 31/5/23

This huge topic unleashed an interestingdiscussion and one which will be revisited.
We looked at acceptance and respect and the use of correct pronouns. Would the
energies and vibration within the client "feel" different.
Also if past lives may have affected trans gender people. How confident would we
feel ,as healers, if someone presented as LGBTQI+. We cannot assume all clients are
Reference was made to a presentation to British Wheel of Yoga members by Josetta
Malcolm (they/them) who had given permission within that for using aspects of their
talk entitled " Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Yoga "
There is much more to discuss on this topic and hopefully other networking meetings
will cover more aspects with new views from members.
Linda Brazier

We did discuss some of the controversies and complexities surrounding this topic, eg.
gender, self-identification and the possible effects on women's rights, ie. the concerns
that feminists are raising. There is also the question of equal competition in sports,
where a male to female trans person may have superior biological physical strength.
And some members shared their experiences of meeting and working to support trans
people and/or their relatives.
Delcia McNeil

Topic What is Spiritual Awareness 21/7/23

We found a great deal to discuss and share and filled the hour and a half easily.
We all agreed awareness can arise from meditation and prayer, we also discussed
other experiences which are known to contribute and may bring immediate
awareness, but thought , generally a gradual awakening was preferable. Staying
grounded and connected to the Base Chakra whilst finding and following our own
path to awareness was thought important, bringing a deeper understanding of our
purpose in life.
To be open to insights we may be shown and the meaning of them, for example ,we
are more than the body and mind and the experiences that come from this
A beautiful quote on the evening from an attendee was that spiritual awareness was
like " A Pool of Peace "
We talked about how we each felt spiritual awareness and how we tried to keep that
awareness during daily life.
A lovely evening. Linda Brazier

Possible reading Four Quarters T.S. Elliot

Topic Who does the Healing? The healer or Healee?

An excellent discussion which brought forward many thoughts.
"The combined efforts of the healer, the healee and the Univerasl Energy Life Force
are all brought together during healing." "The healer being the conduit of the healing
energies, ensuring beforehand the healee is open to healing and be ready to heal."
"The healing energies travel to where they are needed, but healers often find they are
directed to specific areas of the body."
"There must be gratitude for healing received and the ability to channel healing."
"It is important for the the healer to be protected from any negativity from the
healee,however they may experience physical symptoms such as yawning, heavy
breathing, belching and coughing and some healers may mirror or take on the healees
symptoms in order to cleanse them".
There is a lovely song which starts Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy, which can
be found on YouTube.
A broad topic which could be returned to.
Linda Brazier
ATH Core Group Member

Topic Is There A Dark Force?

There were only 3 of us at this meeting, however the discussion lasted the whole hour and a half even if we did drift off into related issues. One of the many descriptions of dark force is that it is thename given to a negative energy that is counterpart to the light forceand may have some form of sentience.We discussed that we are all capable of good and evil andit is a choice we make for example the Nazi regime, whichwas a negative energy. Perhaps we have a shadow self thatcan become evil by following orders from a negative energy leader.There is also a religious aspect, which we seethrough wars between opposing religious beliefs, ortheir interpretation of those beliefs.Can a dark force be created from fear and doubt whenthere is no love? Additionally dark forces can arise froma need for power, greed and desire, ie drug cartels.Is the media a dark force? Certainly some aspects are.Would an invasion from entities arriving on Earth from other galaxies, wishing to conquer, be called a dark force?Could a dark or evil force be a form of unresolved painor trauma from a past life, this has been discussed in previous meetings. Are some governments , such as dictatorships,a dark force?So the conclusion :  Yes / No /Maybe , what do you think? But, we may all have experienced some aspectof a dark force in this life or a previous one.

Facebook Forum & Twitter for Members

Check out ATH Facebook. Our Facebook Forum is a member only discussion group and it is for all ATH members. It is not accessible to members of the public.

Contact Dr Tim Ridge or Sue Thomas for details of how to access.

Our Twitter feed is managed by Denise Cohen. twitter link@ath91902953

Code of Conduct




This is a written code of ethics, which provides a common standard for all associate and full members of ATH to follow. This has the advantage of giving confidence to the public by enabling them to know the ethical standards of ATH, and also highlights potential dangers for the practitioner.  A person, by becoming either an associate or a full member of ATH, agrees to observe and be bound by this Code of Conduct and Ethics, and to submit to the jurisdiction of the Officers and Core Group in relation to it. Responsibility for safe and ethical practice resides with the individual, and the ATH cannot be held accountable for the actions of its members.  Members should be aware that failure to comply with legislation relating to their practice could invalidate the cover provided by their Insurance providers. 

1. Professional Responsibility

a. Members at all times shall conduct themselves in a respectful and honourable manner in their relations with their clients, with the public, and with other members of ATH.

b. Treatment of a client is legally permitted only with his or her express consent, the law regarding as an assault even the touching of one person by another without the former’s consent. If a client is incapable of giving consent, by reason of age or mental impairment, it is recommended that members gain written consent from the person responsible for the care of the client.

c. When a member of the public asks for treatment, the healer shall ensure that the client understands the nature of the treatment that will be given.

d. Healers shall recognise the client’s right to refuse treatment or ignore advice.

e. The client puts complete trust in the healer’s integrity, and it is the duty of members not to abuse this trust in any way. The focus of the healer’s behaviour must at all times be on the client’s healing process. If a healer wants to become personally involved with a client, other than in a professional capacity, he or she shall refer that client for professional treatment elsewhere. Social interaction should be avoided in order to hold and maintain clear therapeutic boundaries for the client.

f. It is illegal to claim an ability to ‘cure’. Healers must disclaim any ability to ‘cure, but offer an attempt to heal in some measure. Do not promise recovery. Sometimes healers are easing the transition to death, rather than restoring physical health.

g. For healing alone, healers should not ask clients to remove their clothes (except coat and footwear).

h. Healers must not use manipulation or vigorous massage, unless they have an appropriate professional qualification. This does not preclude gentle massage and healing passes.

i. Membership of an organisation forming part of the Confederation of Healing Organisation (CHO) must be regarded as a guarantee to clients and medical professionals of the healer’s integrity, sincerity and ability.

j. Healers must act with consideration concerning fees and justification for treatment. It is unacceptable to solicit a client by any means to accept treatment when he or she has not specifically requested it.

k. Because of the recent increase of litigation, members are advised to keep detailed records of clients and treatments. These records must be kept safely, either in a locked cabinet, or in a password-protected file on your computer. Records must be kept for a period of 7 years and in the case of children, 7 years after they reach their 18th birthday, before being safely destroyed. Those keeping information on a computer are obliged to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office. Phone 01625 545 740 for a Notification Form, or apply online at There is a small fee for notification.  Failure to do so is a criminal offence.

l. The healer shall respect the confidentiality of the therapeutic relationship at all times.

 When transferring a client the healer shall not divulge any information about the client without the clients consent or with consent of healer’s supervisor or mentor.

Exceptions to this are:  

  • The use of case histories in teaching or in supervision/mentoring. It is useful to inform the client that you may take their case history to supervision.
  • The use of case histories for publication.  In both of these cases the client’s anonymity shall be respected. 
  • if the client is deemed to be a danger to themselves the healer is obliged to inform the clients GP.

m. If another form of therapy appears to be more appropriate than that offered by the member, the client shall be given advice in this regard.

n. Members of the Association shall be responsible in their communication both to each other and to the general public, and should not state or imply that their own opinion represents the view of the Association, unless that is, in fact, the case.

o. On rare occasions, a condition may contraindicate healing (i.e. healing should not be used in certain circumstances). For example, most trainings suggest that healing should not be offered to women in the first trimester of pregnancy, unless specifically to prevent miscarriage.  Members should be aware of potential problems. In the case of a potential problem, the member should refer the case to his or her supervisor for advice, and, if necessary, seek the guidance of the client’s doctor.  See Section 3. Healers and the Law item e. below for further info.

p. Healers are encouraged to have some form of supervision or mentoring.

2. Relationship with the Medical Profession

Healing shall not be offered as an alternative to orthodox medicine, but as complementary.

a.  The healer must ask a new client what medical advice if any that they have sought and they have received. If he or she has not seen a doctor, they must be advised to do so. It is legal to refuse medical treatment, so nobody can be forced to consult a doctor.


b.  The healer shall not countermand instruction or prescriptions given by a doctor.

c.  The healer shall not advise a particular course of medical treatment, such as to undergo an operation or to take specific drugs, unless qualified to do so (eg-qualified Medical Herbalists). It must be left to the client to make his or her own decision in the light of medical advice.

d.  If the healer believes that he or she has identified some aspect of a disorder, which is not covered by a doctor’s diagnosis, the client shall be advised to draw this to the attention of the doctor and a record should be made of this advice.

e. The healer should strive for a good relationship and full co-operation with the medical authorities.


  • Be as accommodating, sensitive and unobtrusive as possible
  • Ask permission of the Nursing Officer beforehand
  • Support your client’s choice of treatment

3. Healers and the Law

a. Safeguarding Children

A parent or legal guardian should be present when treating a child under the age of 16. 

Self Employed Healer members who treat children must undertake a Basic DBS check themselves.

They can also get a Basic Check through a Responsible  Organisation see

 If a Healer is employed by an organization they should get a Standard or Enhanced check through their employer.

Before treating any person under the age of 16, the healer must obtain the consent of their parent or legal guardian. However, even with this consent, members shall be aware that a parent or guardian who fails to provide adequate medical aid for a child under the age of 16 commits a criminal offence. Since Healing is not medical aid as defined in law, a healer who treats a child whose parents refuse medical aid runs the risk of being considered as aiding and abetting that offence.

Where it is known that the parents are NOT facilitating the provision of medical attention for the child, members are most strongly advised to secure the signature of the parent or guardian to the following statement: 

     “I have been warned by (name of member) that according to law I should consult a doctor

      concerning the health of my child”, Include the name of child). Signed (Parent or guardian)

      and Dated and Witnessed by (signature of person witnessing)

      This statement shall be kept with the client’s records.

b. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

eg those with a psychiatric condition or drug addiction should ideally have a chaperone. A responsible adult should be present when the Vulnerable Adult is receiving healing. Healers should consider doing Distant Healing if no chaperone is available.

Members practicing privately must hold a valid Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate, also known as Basic First Aid for Appointed Person, which is a one-day training. Those running their own centre’s or training schools should ensure that they or a member of staff hold a current First Aid Certificate, or First Aid at Work Certificate, a four-day training. These can be obtained through St John’s Ambulance, or the British Red Cross.

c. Animals:

  • The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 prohibits anyone other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals, including diagnosis of ailments and the giving of advice based on such diagnosis. However, the healing of animals by contact healing by the laying on of hands or by distant healing is legal and acceptable to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
  • The rendering of emergency first aid to animals is, however, permissible for the purpose of saving life or relieving pain. What constitutes an emergency must be a question for the judgment of the individual healer.
  • Under The Protection of Animals Act 1911, the owner of an animal needing treatment by a veterinary surgeon is obliged to seek such treatment, and the owner should be so advised.

d. Herbs: 

The law relating to the sale and prescription of herbs is obscure, but if a member does sell or prescribe herbs, he or she must check that they are legally entitled to do so. Healers shall not advise the use of particular herbal prescription unless qualified to do so.

e. Pregnancy & Childbirth: 

“a person other than a registered midwife or a medical practitioner shall not attend a woman in childbirth.” (Nursing & Midwifery order 2001 clause45)   It is advisable therefore for all healers to cover themselves by ensuring a pregnant client signs a consent form.  In the case of a hospital birth, healers are advised to obtain permission from both the midwife and consultant in charge.  It is advisable to get the client to sign that she has informed both her midwife and doctor in charge (whether consultant or GP and whether in hospital or not) that she is having healing.  

Distant healing is not covered in law and so is recommended if it is not possible to see the client during pregnancy. 

 Example of the consent form from CHO 2018

I (client’s name) have been advised by (healer’s name) of The Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 and that I should inform my midwife of my decision to receive Healing.

I acknowledge and accept that Healing is a complementary therapy and does not replace medical diagnosis and prognosis.  I would like to go ahead and receive Healing in full acceptance of the responsibility of the above.

As a patient, I exercise my right to request and receive Healing.

Patient signature…………………………………………….. Date

Healer signature …………………………………………….. Date

f. Dentistry: 

The Dentists Act of 1984 prohibits the practice of dentistry, unless the member holds an appropriate qualification.

g. Insurance: 

Full members of ATH must be insured against possible claims for damages.

  • They must hold an appropriate level of insurance against any claim for negligence and or mistreatment whatsoever in respect of any treatment undertaken by the member.  A copy of their Policy of Insurance and Certificate of Policy Renewal must be delivered with a FULL members annual registration renewal.  
  • Shall a claim be made against a member that member shall indemnify the ATH and its members from and against any or all claims made against them for whatever reason resulting from the claim and reimburse to the ATH and its members all and any costs, expenses and losses incurred because of any and all such claims against the member.   

4. Advertising

  • Members shall not claim in any advertisement that healing can do more than that which is stated on the ATH website. It is legal to offer a general healing service for all diseases, but not to advertise healing for any particular disease.
  • Members shall not advertise themselves as professional healers or teach healing unless they are Full Members of ATH and are covered by appropriate insurance.
  • Advertisements shall not make detrimental comparisons between organisation’s or healers.

5. Consideration of Safety and Surroundings

  • All sessions should be given in as clean and comfortable environment as possible.
  • Healers should act with integrity and discretion, and take sensible precautions,  particularly when working in isolation. Do not work alone with clients who are mentally unstable (unless qualified to do so), or addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who are hallucinating or apparently possessed.
  • Whether teaching or healing, members must be aware of current Health and Safety guidelines regarding public spaces, business premises, and working privately from home. This includes fire regulations and emergency procedures. If necessary for their work, members must hold a current Health and Safety certificate.

       For further information, contact The Health and Safety Executive online at  

Courses are available through local adult education colleges, and online.

      d. Members must hold adequate public liability insurance.

6. Training

  • Full members shall have attained a minimum of two years training.
  • Full member’s training shall include basic anatomy and physiology, and counselling (or listening) skills   

7. Complaints Procedure .  

ATH has a structured Complaints Procedure, the documented details of which can be made available on request. Contact us for a copy.

Continuing Personal & Professional Development (CPPD)

"personal development is professional development"

ATH requires of its members not only continuing professional development but also personal development: through what may be termed ‘holistic CPPD’, we are expected to keep ourselves fit to work with clients. By renewing our personal energy and keeping ourselves clear to channel energy though daily practice or attending workshops, we attempt to maintain our grounding and protection. Relaxation, meditation, movement work, receiving healing, massage or cranio-sacral work contribute to helping us to know ourselves better, so that we may be clearer about the personal issues we bring to our work and able to connect with our clients on deeper and more subtle levels.

We have created a 'What is ATH CPPD' guidelines to help members participate and fulfil ATH requirements and a Planning sheet to download.

If you want your workshop or course to have CPPD recognition by ATH please download and complete the Application Form below.


"Supervision is concerned with the safety of the client and supports the best interest of the client"

ATH Supervision Guidelines

Article - Supervision for Professional Healers by Delcia McNeil read on the Healing & Creativity page

This document outlines why ATH thinks Supervision is important, Role and Responsibility of Supervisor, difference between CPPD and Supervision, what you might bring to Supervision and also outlines various forms that Supervision can take and more. Supervision is currently not a compulsory requirement for membership of ATH but is encouraged for all Full members

Become a professional ATH registered Supervisor.

Several ATH members are already supervising, some with and some without any formal training.  Most have a great deal of experience of practising healing and all will have their own regular supervision.

Any ATH registered Supervisor must be a full healer member of the organisation.

As ATH members usually are multi-skilled their supervisor may not be able to meet all their needs in terms of techniques/hands on skills.  The supervisor needs to be honest with their supervisee about their own knowledge and skills base so that, where necessary, the supervisee can arrange to get advice or guidance from a colleague or tutor in a specific therapy. 

A basic skills requirement is that the ATH registered Supervisor will have knowledge and experience of working with the Human Energy Field and the Chakra system.

Any ATH registered Supervisor must have had some training in counselling skills.

An ATH registered Supervisor facilitating group supervision needs to have group work skills.

Apply To Become A Professional ATH Supervisor

Healing & Regulation

As healers, we are living in interesting times. New legislation, much of which is coming out of Brussels, will be requiring us to be more and more regulated in the way we work. It is very difficult to keep up with the changes, as they are coming from several different bodies. Currently, there are a number of new recommendations in anticipation of legislation that may be introduced over the next few years. 

The UK has since left the EU and so for the time being, continue to follow the guidelines laid out in the ATH Code of Conduct and Ethics, as these are still relevant. We will do our best to keep members up to date as new legislation comes in.

If you are just starting your training, it is now a requirement that training is a minimum of two years, and that it includes both anatomy and physiology, and counselling skills (sometimes referred to as listening skills). Continuing professional development (CPD) and regular supervision are also stipulated for all practitioners.

The recent repeal of The Fraudulent Mediums Act of 1951 has left spiritual healers more open to litigation. Many healers are now asking clients to sign a disclaimer form before treatment, stating that they understand that their treatment is “for entertainment purposes only”. As all ATH Full members are qualified in other therapies, and are covered by insurance, members should not need to take any action.

Below are some organisations that may be able to provide more information on legislation as it occurs. Please note that clicking on a link will take you to another website.

Complementary and Natural Health Care Council (CNHC)

PO Box 428Bristol BS9 0FB phone: 020 3327 2720

British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA)
phone: 0845 345 5977, Mon,Tues,Thur & Frid 10-5

Confederation of Healing Organisations (CHO)

phone: 0300 302 0021 (0300 numbers are charged at local rates)
web address:

Covid guidelines

Within England there is no longer a need to self-isolate after close contact with someone who has COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated or under the age of 18.  If you have symptoms you should still isolate and take a Lateral Flow Test.

Go to: for full details of recent and upcoming changes.  From there you can choose which county you live in within the UK for specific guidance for that locality.