The Power of Art

06 August 2024

On-Line Zoom August 2024

Art, Chakras and Healing with registered therapeutic healer, Delcia McNeil

On-line (Zoom) Workshop Tuesday 6th August 2024 6.30pm -8.30pm

Listen with the Land Land in the Body

01 January 1970

Dartmoor begins July 2025 finishes April 2026

Cycle of the Seasons with Anna Murray Preece

Four residential weekends and one Online – beginning July 2025

Rhythm of the Bones

01 January 1970

Dartmoor February 2025

with Anna Murray Preece

Movement Mediation and Creativity Weekend Winter Retreat February 7th – 10th 2025

Call of the Wind

01 January 1970

Dartmoor October 2024

with Anna Murray Preece

Open to the Wild Body Two Weekend Retreats and a Retreat Series 2024-26

Movement, Meditation and Creativity Autumn Weekend Retreat October 11th-14th 2024

Touched by Nature

01 January 1970

Shropshire near Ludlow September 2024

A Taste of Plant Spirit Medicine

10am-10pm Sat 7th and Sun 8th September 2024

with Lucy Wells and Pip Waller

co-authors of Touched By Nature Plant, Spirit Medicine Journeys

Touched By Nature

Lucy Wells

Healing for me is movement towards harmony, balance and inner freedom. Working with the power of nature via the plant spirits and other natural forces is, I feel, the medicine most needed at this time for healing of our human evolution.

I have a business with Pip Waller “TOUCHED BY NATURE” we have online course on nature connection for Personal Development and healing and teach introductions to Plant Spirit Medicine, and we run teacher healer training courses teaching people to be Plant Spirit Medicine Healers.

I am also a writer.

Pip Waller

As a healer I aim to encourage the natural healing force within which is always moving us towards balance. Plant Spirit Medicine cleans up a persons energy and nourishes and strengthens the constitution, creating balance and harmony in spirit, mind and body. I see healing as essential to help move human’s towards living in our nature and in good relationship with ourselves, each other and nature.

I have a business with Lucy Wells “TOUCHED BY NATURE” we have online course on nature connection for Personal Development and healing and teach introductions to Plant Spirit Medicine, and we run teacher healer training courses teaching people to be Plant Spirit Medicine Healers.

National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH)

We believe everyone has creative potential and that creativity can lead to healthier lives and communities. Active engagement with the arts and culture, whether through our own creative practice or through our enjoyment of the creative practice of others, is beneficial for the health and wellbeing of us all. 

We are particularly keen to work in the space between the established worlds of arts, culture, health and social care, exploring how co-production and collaboration can provide new ways of thinking about the intersection between our creativity and our health. 

Joan Kendall

“Working with the principles and energy of metaphysics to bring us back into alignment with our Essential Limitless Nature and restore us to health in mind, body & spirit…” 

Covid guidelines

Within England there is no longer a need to self-isolate after close contact with someone who has COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated or under the age of 18.  If you have symptoms you should still isolate and take a Lateral Flow Test.

Go to: for full details of recent and upcoming changes.  From there you can choose which county you live in within the UK for specific guidance for that locality.