The Power of Art

06 August 2024

On-Line Zoom August 2024

Art, Chakras and Healing with registered therapeutic healer, Delcia McNeil

On-line (Zoom) Workshop Tuesday 6th August 2024 6.30pm -8.30pm

Listen with the Land Land in the Body

01 January 1970

Dartmoor begins July 2025 finishes April 2026

Cycle of the Seasons with Anna Murray Preece

Four residential weekends and one Online – beginning July 2025

Rhythm of the Bones

01 January 1970

Dartmoor February 2025

with Anna Murray Preece

Movement Mediation and Creativity Weekend Winter Retreat February 7th – 10th 2025

Call of the Wind

01 January 1970

Dartmoor October 2024

with Anna Murray Preece

Open to the Wild Body Two Weekend Retreats and a Retreat Series 2024-26

Movement, Meditation and Creativity Autumn Weekend Retreat October 11th-14th 2024

Touched by Nature

01 January 1970

Shropshire near Ludlow September 2024

A Taste of Plant Spirit Medicine

10am-10pm Sat 7th and Sun 8th September 2024

with Lucy Wells and Pip Waller

co-authors of Touched By Nature Plant, Spirit Medicine Journeys

Touched By Nature

Networking Meetings, members only

The member’s only networking Zoom meetings are held bi-monthly Wed eves from 5.30-7pm. All ATH members welcome. Come and join us.

Contact: Linda Brazier for further info.

Dates & Topics for 2024

24th January Winter Blues, how do you cope?

27th March Thinking about Past Life Therapy >introduced by Kate MacKenzie

25th May topic to be decided

31st July topic to be decided

18th September provisional date

20th November topic to be decided

Topic: Gender, Sexuality and Energies, Shared Experiences 31/5/23

This huge topic unleashed an interestingdiscussion and one which will be revisited.
We looked at acceptance and respect and the use of correct pronouns. Would the
energies and vibration within the client “feel” different.
Also if past lives may have affected trans gender people. How confident would we
feel ,as healers, if someone presented as LGBTQI+. We cannot assume all clients are
Reference was made to a presentation to British Wheel of Yoga members by Josetta
Malcolm (they/them) who had given permission within that for using aspects of their
talk entitled ” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Yoga “
There is much more to discuss on this topic and hopefully other networking meetings
will cover more aspects with new views from members.
Linda Brazier

We did discuss some of the controversies and complexities surrounding this topic, eg.
gender, self-identification and the possible effects on women’s rights, ie. the concerns
that feminists are raising. There is also the question of equal competition in sports,
where a male to female trans person may have superior biological physical strength.
And some members shared their experiences of meeting and working to support trans
people and/or their relatives.
Delcia McNeil

Topic What is Spiritual Awareness 21/7/23

We found a great deal to discuss and share and filled the hour and a half easily.
We all agreed awareness can arise from meditation and prayer, we also discussed
other experiences which are known to contribute and may bring immediate
awareness, but thought , generally a gradual awakening was preferable. Staying
grounded and connected to the Base Chakra whilst finding and following our own
path to awareness was thought important, bringing a deeper understanding of our
purpose in life.
To be open to insights we may be shown and the meaning of them, for example ,we
are more than the body and mind and the experiences that come from this
A beautiful quote on the evening from an attendee was that spiritual awareness was
like ” A Pool of Peace “
We talked about how we each felt spiritual awareness and how we tried to keep that
awareness during daily life.
A lovely evening. Linda Brazier

Possible reading Four Quarters T.S. Elliot

Topic Who does the Healing? The healer or Healee?

An excellent discussion which brought forward many thoughts.
“The combined efforts of the healer, the healee and the Univerasl Energy Life Force
are all brought together during healing.” “The healer being the conduit of the healing
energies, ensuring beforehand the healee is open to healing and be ready to heal.”
“The healing energies travel to where they are needed, but healers often find they are
directed to specific areas of the body.”
“There must be gratitude for healing received and the ability to channel healing.”
“It is important for the the healer to be protected from any negativity from the
healee,however they may experience physical symptoms such as yawning, heavy
breathing, belching and coughing and some healers may mirror or take on the healees
symptoms in order to cleanse them”.
There is a lovely song which starts Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy, which can
be found on YouTube.
A broad topic which could be returned to.
Linda Brazier
ATH Core Group Member