Four On-Line workshop sessions starting 2025 with Delcia McNeil

28 January 2025

On-Line Zoom

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These two hour zoom sessions are designed to help support healers, therapists and those on a spiritual path both personally and professionally. They are an opportunity to be with kindred spirits and will be interactive. Meditation & visualisation processes will be recorded and be available for use after the workshop. The maximum number for each group is sixteen.

NOTE: More about Money, Chakra Dialoguing and Can Paintings Help Heal Us are developments from previous webinars, but it’s not necessary to have done them if you would like to join us.

Tuesday 28 January, 2 – 4pm
More about Money
Tuesday 8 April, 6.30 – 8.30pm
Chakra Dialoguing Have you ever wondered if your Chakras speak to one another? They need to, they can and they do!
As we learned in last year’s archetypes & sub-personalities webinar each chakra can represent a part of the self with its own energy vibration and life issues. Through dialoguing we can integrate these different, sometimes conflicting, parts of ourselves.

Tuesday 5 August 6.30 – 8.30pm
Can Paintings help heal us?
Following on from a stimulating workshop last year this is another look at how our energy and mood is affected by what we look at in the art world (Remember it’s not necessary to have done last year’s webinar).
Tuesday 28 October 2 – 4pm
Giving and Receiving Chakra Readings
Yes, this can be done on-line! Discover just what you can learn and develop your psychic sensibilities.

The workshops can be booked individually and the fee per person is £39 payable on booking. If all four are booked at the same time there is a reduction of £20 off (£136 instead of £156). The fee is refundable (minus £5 admin. charge) only if the person’s place is cancelled prior to two weeks before the workshop. Further information will be emailed out about a week before the workshop and the zoom link will be emailed out a day or two beforehand.

To book please email Delcia:
07515 807366

More About Money with Delcia McNeil

28 January 2025

Online Zoom workshop 2-4pm

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Previous webinars on Money & Chakras have proved very popular. In this one we will be delving into the Root chakra to help us heal any survival issues we may have regarding money.

These two hour zoom sessions are designed to help support healers, therapists and those on a spiritual path both personally and professionally. They are an opportunity to be with kindred spirits and will be interactive. Meditation & visualisation processes will be recorded and be available for use after the workshop. The maximum number for each group is sixteen.

The workshops can be booked individually and the fee per person is £39 payable on booking. If all four are booked at the same time there is a reduction of £20 off (£136 instead of £156). The fee is refundable (minus £5 admin. charge) only if the person’s place is cancelled prior to two weeks before the workshop. Further information will be emailed out about a week before the workshop and the zoom link will be emailed out a day or two beforehand.
To book please email Delcia:
07515 807366

Archetypes, sub-personalities & the Chakras

29 October 2024

Online -Zoom

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Find out what sub-personalities and archetypes actually are -learn about the difference between them.

Using your Chakra system explore how helpful they are for understanding ourselves and our behaviour.
Gain insight,
Raise your vibration, and
Deepen your understanding of yourself.

Meditative processes will be recorded and be available for your personal use after the workshop. There will be a maximum of 16 participants.

The fee is £39. To book email Delcia at She will then contact you with payment details.

07515 807366

The above image is one of Delcia’s artworks
See more of her artwork at

The Power of Art

06 August 2024

On-Line Zoom August 2024

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The focus of this workshop is the use of imagery in healing.

We will discuss and explore experientially the energetic and emotional effects of using creative visualisation, looking at paintings, and understanding symbols and their impact on our chakra system and energy field.

We will broaden the workshop out into considering what kind of imagery really excites, interests and helps us to feel uplifted or touched in some way. Art is all around us. There is beauty in every line, shape, texture, and colour that we see. We are light beings and it is light that gives us colours. It is also the contrast of light and dark that excites us and draws our attention.
Each individual person interprets what they see differently – we project our own inner worlds on to what we see. And of course individual tastes in art generally vary enormously. Delcia will be sharing some of her own artwork from her recent exhibition ‘From spirit into matter’ as an exploratory resource for visualisation.
Meditative processes will be recorded and be available for your personal use after the workshop.

This workshop is for healers and therapists, and those committed to their own personal development journey. The fee is £39. To book your place email Delcia at She will then contact you with payment details.

Energy healer, psychotherapist, and artist, Delcia McNeil originally trained with the NFSH (now the Healing Trust) in the early 1980s. She has been teaching healing since 1983 and ran her own healer training school for twelve years. She later developed a Chakra Psychology programme and taught that for ten years. All her workshops and groups are on-line (zoom). She continues to teach and facilitate a Professional Supervision Support group for Healers, and a therapeutic art group called Paint Your Art Out. She also runs her Chakra Psychology course on a one -to one basis. Delcia is a full healer member of The Association for Therapeutic Healers and an Associate member of The Confederation of Healing Organisations.

07515 807366

The image above is one of Delcia’s artworks titled ‘Reflections on healing’
See more of her artwork at

Listen with the Land Land in the Body

11 July 2025

Dartmoor begins July 2025 finishes April 2026

An opportunity to deepen your embodied experience of yourself in relation to the turning of the seasons.

This series will be of particular interest but is not exclusively for those who work therapeutically with others and wish to explore how to incorporate movement based practices into what you offer. It will also be of value as a personal journey of enquiry and process of remembering what may have been forgotten in your relationship with your body and the land.

The ground of enquiry is to come home to the body by attuning to your own rhythm and timing through a combination of movement, meditation and creativity. In this way we support greater alignment both inner and outer.

Our own rhythms and tides are not separate from those of the rhythms of nature. From the ground of our body we open to each season through movement and embodied practices directly in relation to the elements.

From here we explore movement practices that support others to deepen into a compassionate, congruent, and embodied relationship with themselves, others and the planet.

Acknowledging the continuum of our connectedness with the natural world we will place a particular focus on how we relate to the ever changing climate and weather, the response of plants and trees and how this touches us in our personal process.

The main reference point is your experience, alongside this, I will draw upon the dynamic wisdom of Chinese Five Element understanding to inform and support us in this process.

Please note:

The course is particularly suitable for those who are both sensitive yet emotionally robust and may also support these qualities.

There will be some walking on rough ground so a basic level of physical fitness is necessary.

This is a trauma informed course but also requires you to have the capacity to hold yourself and make choices as to what you feel safe to bring.

Alongside the exploration of our embodiment, this course can be received as an introduction to working with others but not as a full training. It will, however, give you a broad view of healing through body awareness and an opportunity to explore this in relation to the natural world.

If you are interested in this course series but haven’t worked with me before then the Autumn or Winter retreat would be a good introduction.

You will receive a certificate of completion at the end for CPD,18 hours per weekend.

Further training in more depth may be available in the future.

Dates are as follows: – please let me know if you would like to know more or are interested to book a place.

Blossoming in Summer – July 11th – 14th 2025 – Fire Element
Receiving Nourishment – September 13/14th – ONLINE – Earth Element
Letting go into Autumn – October 24th – 27th 2025 – Metal Element
Rhythm of the Bones – February – 6th – 9th 2026 – Water Element
New Vision – April 24th – 27th 2026 – Wood Element

£425.00 per weekend, fully residential with mainly single ensuite bedrooms.
£85.00 for the September online retreat.
Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 24th Jan 2025.
10% discount for full payment of the year in advance.
(some bursary assisted places available)
Friday 6 pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.
Max 10 participants.


Rhythm of the Bones

07 February 2025

Dartmoor February 2025

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Winter brings an invitation to rest and to nourish ourselves.
So easy to resist this in the busyness of our lives!

This weekend is an opportunity to drop into the depths of ourselves. Just as the trees are pared back to their bare branches, we can meet this in the Rhythm of our Bones.
In Chinese Five Element understanding, the bones are one of the organs that relate to the winter and the Water Element.

Our bones support and nourish our body in many ways.
Aside from holding our body up in the obvious way,
they re-generate our blood and activate hormones to meet stress.
The winter is, therefore, an important time to nourish ourselves and build resources for the rest of the year.

We will spend time in a warm indoor space attuning to our body and its rhythms through movement, meditation and creativity.

From this inner alignment we listen with the land, the river, the weather and the plants. In this time of the cold and the dark we learn to flow with the
Wisdom of Winter.

We will gather around a Sacred Fire in a ceremony to support us to receive our heart’s inspiration.

£395.00 fully residential with mainly single ensuite bedrooms.
Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 6th December.
(some bursary assisted places available)
Friday 6 pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.
Max 10 participants. 18 hours CPD

Call of the Wind

11 October 2024

Dartmoor October 2024

Wind speaks in a voice beyond words, it opens our senses and wakes up our body.

In these uncertain times, the changing climate is one of our greatest challenges.
How can we meet those challenges with out them overwhelming us?

The Wind is a great teacher
October 11th – 14th 2024

Wind speaks in a voice beyond words, it opens our senses and wakes up our body

In these uncertain times, the changing climate is one of our greatest challenges.
How can we meet these changes without them overwhelming us?

The Wind is a great teacher

When we move with the Wind we meet different energies. A strong force requires us to find our ground, a gentle breeze can open us to our own soft heart. As a partner in movement Wind can show us how to stay steady, it can also give us practice in falling over and a chance to explore how to stand up. In the In Chinese Five Element understanding, Autumn is the time of the Metal Element which relates to our capacity both to value and also to let go of what has been.

In this time of change I find it helpful to meet the weather –
just as it is.
To listen, to receive and allow myself to move and be moved.
Through this honouring of the wind and weather,
I also allow myself to be changed.

During this weekend we will take time in a warm indoor space to deepen into our body and its rhythms, through movement, stillness, meditation and creativity – to find our ground and allow what nourishes and supports us. From this inner alignment we will spend time outside. By honouring our connection with the earth, the wind, the plants and the weather we learn from and align with the Autumn and the rhythm of this season.

We will gather around a Sacred Fire in a ceremony to support us to receive our heart’s inspiration.

Cost £395.00 fully residential with mainly single ensuite bedrooms.

Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 12th July.
(some bursary assisted places available)

Friday 6pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.
Max 10 participants. 18 hours CPD

Touched by Nature

08 September 2024

Shropshire near Ludlow September 2024

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Come to a beautiful location in Shropshire near Ludlow and be introduced to Plant Spirit Medicine, a deep and true answer to the imbalance of our time.

The weekend is facilitated by qualified teachers Lucy Wells and Pip Waller who have practised plant spirit medicine since 2015 Come and enjoy being introduced to,connecting and building deep relationship with nature and the plant spirits.

A one-off experience to deepen connection with divine nature, or as an enticement to further study of the extraordinary medicine of the plant spirits.

Cost £150 lunches included, concessions available

We do not wish that lack of money prevent you from coming
Please ask about concessions if you are not able to attend without.

Booking essential as places are limited.

For more info or to book contact:

Networking Meetings, members only